User Parameters and Responses

In this section will cover the User Base URL and the associated endpoints in the Ask Sage API, including the parameters and responses for each endpoint.

Table of contents
  1. User API Endpoints:
    1. Get Access Token
    2. Get User Logs
    3. Get User Logins
    4. Add Dataset
    5. Delete Dataset
    6. Train Model

User API Endpoints:

The User API is used for managing users, authentication, and datasets. We have the following Swagger documentation for the User API:

  • The Base URL for the User API is: [ Base URL: ]

Make sure to use the correct Base URL associated with your tenant.

Users can use the Static API key Generated in the Ask Sage Platform as the required token for authentication. However, there is no expiration on the API key, while if you generate a token it is valid for 24 hours.
"x-access-tokens": "your_access_token_here"
"x-access-tokens": "api-key"

The following table shows the available endpoints in the User API:

Endpoint Description
/get-token-with-api-key Get an access token with API Key and email
/get-user-logins Get your last logins (limited to 5 by default)
/get-user-logs Get your last prompts
/add-dataset Add a new dataset
/delete-dataset Deletes a dataset

Get Access Token


A user with an API key and email can obtain an access token.

Request body

email string Required

The user's email address.

api_key string Required

The user's API key.

Click to see the Return output


On success (HTTP 200):

response object Contains:

- access_token string

The access token for the user, which is only valid for 24 hours.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 400):

- response string

An error message describing the issue.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "email": "",
  "api_key": "your_api_key"

Get User Logs


Get the latest prompts of the user.

Request body

x-access-tokens string Required

The 24-hour Token or API Key used for authentication.

Click to see the Return output


On success (HTTP 200):

response array Contains objects with:

- date_time string

The date and time of the prompt.

- prompt string

The user's prompt.

- completion string

The completion of the prompt.

- IP string

The IP address from which the prompt was made.

On error (HTTP 400):

- response string

An error message describing the issue.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

curl -X POST \
-H "x-access-tokens: your_access_token_here" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Get User Logins


Get the latest logins of the user.

Request body

limit integer Optional

The maximum number of user logins to retrieve. Must be between 0 and 101.

x-access-tokens string Required

The 24-hour Token or API Key used for authentication.

Click to see the Return output


On success (HTTP 200):

response array Contains objects with:

- date_time string

The date and time of the login.

- IP string

The IP address from which the login was made.

On error (HTTP 400):

- response string

An error message describing the issue.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-access-tokens: your_access_token_here" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"limit": 5}'

Add Dataset


Add a new dataset to the user’s account.

If your content is CUI, you must name your dataset with the prefix “CUI-“.

For dataset names, only alphanumeric characters allowed. NO spaces!

Request body

dataset string Required

The name of the dataset.

x-access-tokens string Required

The 24-hour Token or API Key used for authentication.

Click to see the Return output


On success (HTTP 200):

response object Contains:

- response string

Message indicating that the dataset was added successfully.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 400):

- response string

An error message indicating missing required fields or invalid input.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 406):

- response string

An error message indicating that the dataset name is too long.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 407):

- response string

An error message indicating that a CAC is required for adding the dataset.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

curl -X POST "" \    
-H "x-access-tokens: your_access_token_here" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"dataset": "dataset-name"}'


Delete Dataset


Deletes dataset from the user’s account.

To get the full name of your dataset use the ‘get-models’ endpoint in the[ Base URL: ]

Request body

dataset string Required

Apply the full name of the dataset which is
defined as user_custom_USERID_DATASETNAME_content.

x-access-tokens string Required

The 24-hour Token or API Key used for authentication.

Click to see the Return output


On success (HTTP 200):

response object Contains:

- response string

Message indicating that the dataset was deleted successfully.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 400):

- response string

An error message indicating missing required fields or invalid input.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 408):

- response string

An error message indicating that required information is missing.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-access-tokens: your_access_token_here" \ # Make sure to replace 'your_access_token_here' with your actual access token.
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"dataset": "user_custom_USERID_DATASETNAME_content"}' # Update 'USERID' and 'DATASETNAME' in the dataset parameter with the appropriate values.

Train Model


Train the model based on the user’s input.

Request body

x-access-tokens string Required

The 24-hour Token or API Key used for authentication.

content object Required

The user's input content.

Click to see the Optional parameters

context string Optional

Short context (metadata) about the content.

summarize boolean Optional

Summarize the content.

summarize_model string Optional

Model to use for summarization.

force_dataset string Optional

Force a specific dataset.

Click to see the Return output


On success (HTTP 200):

response object Contains:

- result string

The result of the training process.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

On error (HTTP 400):

- response string

An error message indicating missing required fields or invalid input.

- status integer

The status code of the response.

curl -X POST "" \
-H "x-access-tokens: your_access_token_here" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "content": {
    "context": "Your context here",
    "content": "Your input content here"
  "summarize": true,
  "summarize_model": "model_name",
  "force_dataset": "dataset_name"

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